To get the ball rolling all I had to do was enter my ISBN and the site offered me a estimated price. Now that is about the only tricky part about it. To make sure you get the full estimated price, your books must have all the extras that originally came with it like CDs and access codes. But that was not a problem for me. So after I was offered the quoted price and accepted it, and I then was given the shipping options of either USPS of FedEx Ground. After I chose, I was able to print my postage paid shipping label and I dropped it off the following day. Easy enough! I was even given a tracking number to keep up with my package. And after 1 day of processing, I received my payment of $52.75 today. I chose to receive my payment via PayPal, but you could also receive payment by check, which would take a little longer.
So all in all, the buyback process was quick and easy and I can see myself using them again. And just in case you are still a little leery about this company and receiving payments, I have included captures from my Bookbyte account with prices and my PayPal account with my payment.
I hope this review was helpful to someone and gives another alternative to dealing with those books you will probably never use again.