Monday, April 30, 2012

It's Gonna Be...May!

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I thought this was so funny that I just had to share it. If you were a kid of the 90's then you will totally get this.
Justin Timberlake
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Sunday, April 29, 2012

Pinterests of the Week!

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Here are a few of my favorite pins from this week. Enjoy!

Dijon Maple Chicken



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Tuesday, April 24, 2012

My Battle With Anxiety

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Over this past year, I have developed an anxiety problem. It all started with tingling and numbness and half my face going numb. While I thought I was having a stroke or heart attach, I finally came to the conclusion that stress was causing my problems.

Monday, April 23, 2012

My Top 5 Favorite Movies!

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Here is a slideshow of my top 5 favorite movies. I can literally watch these movies everyday and they never get old. These are just a few of my faves , but I hope to compile a bigger list soon.

Just A Kiss

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A kiss can make the hole world turn around.
A kiss is the passion.
A kiss can make you think.WWII Kissing Couple
A kiss can make you dream.
A kiss everlasting kiss.
A kiss that can bring hope.
That the night is no long there.
The star are bright with a kiss.
A kiss would say alot of thing's.
A kiss that has no end.
But just a being in a road of passion.
A kiss as wild as the sea.
A kiss that holds me and you together in,
The river of love.
A kiss can fill my heart of joy and happeness.
A kiss that melt my moment.
A kiss my love, just a kiss
By: Luz Santiago via PoemHunter

Sunday, April 22, 2012

Sofia Vergara's True Accent

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This clip is too funny, kinda old, but still funny! Obviously some people don’t believe that Sofia Vergara’s accent is real, so her son decided to show the world the truth. And it is hilarious. Watch the clip below.
And while we are talking about her son, he is hot. Good looks must run it the family.

Monday, April 9, 2012

SNL "Quirky Girl" Skit - Sofia Vergara

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Loved the last one, and loved this one. They should make the "Quirky Girl" skit a weekly regular because it really brings the laughs.

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Oreo Pudding Poke Cake!

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For Easter I decided to try a new dessert. For holidays, we usually make a cheesecake or something and call it a day. But I have been started following a few food blogs and wanted something different. So I decided to make a Oreo Pudding Poke Cake.

I found this recipe on The Country Cook blog (check it out!) and had to try it. You wouldn't believe how easy this cake was to make and how delicious it was. The only problem I had was that the pudding did not soak all the way down into the cake. But that is my fault. I think I let the pudding set up too much and that stopped the pudding from going down the holes I poked. But now that I know that, the next time I make this cake it will be 100% better.

Make sure to check out the recipe here!

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