Monday, October 31, 2011
Kim Kardashian and Kris Humphries Split!
Yes, after 2 months of wedded bliss, Kim K and Kris Humpries have decided to part ways. Who would have thought these crazy kids would end up getting divorced? Umm... everyone. No offense but they did not seem to mesh well together. They seemed so awkward together.
Sunday, October 30, 2011
XBox 360 VS PS3 Move!
CNET clearly shows Xbox 360 with Kinect as the winner here, but what do you think? I am trying to make up my mind on which system to purchase. It is just so hard to choose. HELP!
Which is better?
Saturday, October 29, 2011
Black Like Me!
Lately I have been getting more into make-up. Most of the time I am pretty plain and wear just lip gloss and on occasions a little mascara. But I have been wanting a to change it up a little. So I have been watching YouTube reviews and how-tos on make-up and they have been helpful, but none of them really look like me. When I say that I mean not alot of them are really dark. Even when I search for "make-up for dark skin" I either get very little results or get people who are dark but not as dark as me, so that doesn't help. And in most of the videos that fit the criteria the women have the same question as me, "where is all the make-up for the darker skinned ladies"? And this made me really start to think of the issues darker completion people face all the time from being teased to not being properly represented...
Friday, October 28, 2011
Need Halloween Costume Ideas?
Then look no further. Draw inspiration from everyone on Twitter. Simply read the live Twitter feed below and find the perfect costume for Halloween.
To keep the fun going, post what you are going as this Halloween. And be sure to have a safe and happy Halloween!
To keep the fun going, post what you are going as this Halloween. And be sure to have a safe and happy Halloween!
Wednesday, October 26, 2011
Juice Still In, Piney Out!
Wow, Clay is single-handedly decreasing the size of Opie's family with every season. Not only has Clay killed Opie's first wife, Donna, but last night he killed his father too. The dude has no soul. Not to mention he put a hit out on Jax's old lady and also killed Jax's dad a couple of years back. And for all this, I most definitely hope Opie and Jax find out about this stuff soon and kick Clay's old, crippled, and arthritis-ridden butt.
But on a lighter note, Juice is still alive. Yay!!! And I was right. The branch did snap and his plan was foiled. Thank God! But how long is he going to be able to keep this stuff hidden? He should go ahead and tell on himself. Maybe they will forgive him and move on or he could die like a man and stop all this sneaking around. Because all of this suspense is killing me. Gosh. And with only 5 episodes left in season 4 of Sons of Anarchy, I now the show is about to get really good. Let's just pray that no one else gets killed or at least no one we like.
Tuesday, October 25, 2011
Blending Photos in Photoshop
My project today was to learn new Photoshop techniques, so I went on Youtube and searched for tutorials. And I decided to try blending photos. I used 3 pictures of Kelly Clarkson and made the image you see below and added a texture to kick it up a notch. If you would like to learn this technique take a look at the video below. And under that is the image I created.
Here is my photo. Cute, right? lol
Here is my photo. Cute, right? lol
Sons of Anarchy S4-E8-"Family Recipe" Preview!
Scenes from tonight's episode of Sons of Anarchy starting at 10/9 Central. Fingers crossed. Maybe Juice is still alive.
Monday, October 24, 2011
Drug Testing Welfare Recipients
According to a article on, the law that would test any welfare applicant before they could receive any benefits is being temporarily blocked due to a lawsuit and much criticism. Critics of the law are saying it is unconstitutional and a clear violation. While many supporters believe that it would only be fair to test the recipients just like a person would have to when applying for a job.
In my honest opinion, the testing would not matter if they do the testing only once before they start. I don't know how the system works, but they could easily get over on that system. One thing I believe would help would be a money budgeting class that would offer better ways to spend money and food stamps. Too many times do I wait in line behind people with 2 carts full of nothing but junk food and see them pay with EBT cards. And I am not downing them either. If you need assistance, get it, just don't stay on it forever.
In my honest opinion, the testing would not matter if they do the testing only once before they start. I don't know how the system works, but they could easily get over on that system. One thing I believe would help would be a money budgeting class that would offer better ways to spend money and food stamps. Too many times do I wait in line behind people with 2 carts full of nothing but junk food and see them pay with EBT cards. And I am not downing them either. If you need assistance, get it, just don't stay on it forever.
Who Saw "Paranormal Activity 3"?
From the audience reaction images it looks like it might be scary or the people in the pictures are totally lame. Just kidding. I am sure it is creepy just like the other two. But my question is: who went to see it? Was it spooky as everyone the commercials paint it to be?
I created a poll and put it in my sidebar below the search bar. Please leave your answer there letting me know whether I should stop my school work and waste my time and go see it. Or simply leave me a comment below. Your comments are greatly appreciated.
Check It Out!
I have just started using this new site, Bloglovin'. This site is very useful and helps me compile all of my favorite blogs in one place and informs me of any new posts. It makes life so much easier for me. I no longer have to try and remember all of the site urls or clutter my bookmarks bar with tons of links. While it is a way for you to keep up with your favorite blogs, it is also a way for your followers to keep up with you as well. So sign up today.
If you like what you read on Modest-iny, let me know. Feedback of any kind is always welcome. And don't forget to subscribe. Thanks!
Sunday, October 23, 2011
Charlie Sheen is Still Winning!
But actually this time. Charlie Sheen is already being crowned as the king of Halloween. His mask is the #1 costume of 2011. So get ready to see lots of drunk fools running down your block talking about "tiger's blood", "goddess", and "Adonis DNA." But that is just one costume option.
Or you can go as some of America's sweethearts(haha), Kim Kardashian, Katy Perry, or Nicole "Snooki" Polizzi. Here are versions of these costumes complete with all the fake butts, cake frosting, and self tanner you will need.
What are you going as this Halloween? Leave a comment below!
Saturday, October 22, 2011
Twilight Countdown Widgets!
Here are some widgets that help to countdown the days left until Twilight: Breaking Dawn Part 1 comes out. I found these widgets on and they include the javascript code so they can be put easily placed on any blog or website. I have provided the picture and code for 2 of the 4 widgets below. Just go here to get the others. Only 25 days left! Yippee!!!
Copy and Paste this code:
<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script><script type="text/javascript">if (WIDGETBOX) WIDGETBOX.renderWidget('3b11c884-5aa0-4cf5-9ceb-33524ffa319d');</script><noscript>Get the <a href="">Countdown Creator Pro</a> widget and many other <a href="">great free widgets</a> at <a href="">Widgetbox</a>! Not seeing a widget? (<a href="">More info</a>)</noscript>
Copy and Paste this code:
<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script><script type="text/javascript">if (WIDGETBOX) WIDGETBOX.renderWidget('72d949ae-00c6-492e-a90a-9fae29033a8e');</script><noscript>Get the <a href="">Countdown Creator Pro</a> widget and many other <a href="">great free widgets</a> at <a href="">Widgetbox</a>! Not seeing a widget? (<a href="">More info</a>)</noscript>
Copy and Paste this code:
<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script><script type="text/javascript">if (WIDGETBOX) WIDGETBOX.renderWidget('3b11c884-5aa0-4cf5-9ceb-33524ffa319d');</script><noscript>Get the <a href="">Countdown Creator Pro</a> widget and many other <a href="">great free widgets</a> at <a href="">Widgetbox</a>! Not seeing a widget? (<a href="">More info</a>)</noscript>
Copy and Paste this code:
<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script><script type="text/javascript">if (WIDGETBOX) WIDGETBOX.renderWidget('72d949ae-00c6-492e-a90a-9fae29033a8e');</script><noscript>Get the <a href="">Countdown Creator Pro</a> widget and many other <a href="">great free widgets</a> at <a href="">Widgetbox</a>! Not seeing a widget? (<a href="">More info</a>)</noscript>
Nick and Mariah Debut Twins!
Here is a picture of Nick Cannon and Mariah Carey's 6 month old twins, Monroe and Moroccan. They were shown to the public for the first time last night on "20/20" with Barbara Walters. While I missed the show last night, I just had to look up their picture. And of course they are beautiful just like their mother. Not saying Nick is not cute because he is, but you can really see Mariah in them.
Aren't they adorable?
DirecTV Dropping FX!
Sons of Anarchy and American Horror Story fans you might want to take a seat because I am about to give you some bad news. On November 1st, DirecTV has planned to drop FX along with National Geographic and a couple of other channels from their channel lineup. And since I have been a happy long time customer of DirecTV this comes as a shock . For as long I have been with them I have loved everything about them and never had any problems. But this, is a huge problem, FX is one of my favorite channels and it aires alot of my favorite shows and movies. So of course I am totally upset.
It just seems like all of my companies are acting crazy. First, it was Netflix. Then, Bank of America. Now, DirecTV. They were all some of the companies I used to rave about and now, they suck!!!
Here are all the channels that will be dropped as of November 1, 2011:
- FX
- National Geographic Channel
- Speed
- Fuel TV
- Fox Soccer
- Fox Movie Channel
- Fox Deportes
- and 19 Fox regional sports networks
Also, here is a link to a article that offers more info on the situation.
Friday, October 21, 2011
Jersey Shore Season 4 Finale!
Bye, Italy!!! |
Don't be sad the season is over. Our favorite guidos and guidettes are already back in the good U.S of A and are back to GTL-ing. The next season will be back in Seaside and you know they are going to go all out. So to hold you over, here is a sneak peek of what's to come in Season 5.
Get More: Jersey Shore (Season 4), Full Episodes
Wednesday, October 19, 2011
Tuesday, October 18, 2011
Music of the Moment!
I guess this can also fit under "Blast from the Past", but anyway. Today I am feeling angsty and wanted to hear some chick rock. So I picked this song and put on repeat. My music changes with my moods so don't mind my music bipolarness(yep I made that up). One minute I will listen to rock, then the next hip-hop, then the next country. But that's me. I am a total music head.
"Pretty on the Inside" by Hole - 1991.
"Pretty on the Inside" by Hole - 1991.
Monday, October 17, 2011
I am in very strong like with this show. I won't say love yet, but maybe someday soon. We keep dating and see where it goes. Lol. No, but for real, I was suppose to write this review 2 weeks back after the premiere, but hey stuff happens. So here it is now.
While I love Whitney Cummings and the show is funny, the show's joke timing is a little.. off. I really don't know how to explain it. It is just off. And the "audience" laughter is annoying, if there really is a real studio audience and not just a laugh track.
Don't get me wrong the show is quirky and cute at times, but then sometimes it gets a little too raunchy. Just as the other show Whitney writes for on CBS, "Two Broke Girls," the show can really "go there" at times. But all in all the show is good. I don't think it will be a "Friends', but it will do. So lets hope the show gets picked up for a second season, so Whitney doesn't have to go back to doing mostly Celebrity Roasts on Comedy Central. Mazel Tov!
Amber Cole Controversy!
Oh my goodness! I have no idea what is going on with these kids these days, so all I can say is wow! And I hate that this happened in my city of Memphis. We are getting such a bad wrap as of lately. First the high crime rate, then the drastic teen pregnancy spike and now this 14-year old girl, Amber Cole, is caught on tape performing oral sex AT school. Yep, I said at school. But the worst thing of all was the fact that 2 other boys were there and she willing let them tape her performing the act. She had to know it was going to go viral, everything goes viral these days, ugh!
Now I know there will be people who say "well we all did stupid things like that when we were young," but is that any reason to approve this? No! And then we wonder why the teen pregnancy and STD rates are so high. If adults are saying it is normal, then we already what the kids going to think.
To end this post I have one last thing to say. I sure hate it that people are sending the video around to everyone. First of all, that is a disgusting and mean thing to do(even if she did allow it). Second of all, it is child pornography. The girl is only 14 years old. So please people stop spreading the video.
Now I know there will be people who say "well we all did stupid things like that when we were young," but is that any reason to approve this? No! And then we wonder why the teen pregnancy and STD rates are so high. If adults are saying it is normal, then we already what the kids going to think.
To end this post I have one last thing to say. I sure hate it that people are sending the video around to everyone. First of all, that is a disgusting and mean thing to do(even if she did allow it). Second of all, it is child pornography. The girl is only 14 years old. So please people stop spreading the video.
Beyonce: Pregnant or Not?

Lately I have been reading alot of articles about Beyonce and her pregnancy. Lately they fall into 1 of 3 categories. The first category consists of articles congratulating her and Jay-Z. Then there are articles that say she is not as far along as her "baby bump" appears and that she is wearing a prosthetic belly. And finally, there are the articles that say she is not pregnant at all or that she is hiding the fact that they might be adopting.
I think only time will tell. I mean why would she need to fake pregnant? But I do wonder why does it seem like her stomach is a different size everyday, but when you see her in a bikini she has little to no belly. Who knows? I will try not to feed into all the gossip, I will just congratulate and wait and see what happens.
What do you think?
Saturday, October 15, 2011
Falling in Love With Fall!
I don't really have much to write about today. I am catching up on some Calculus homework and hanging out with my family. I just wanted to bid everyone a good and productive day. Today is such a beautiful day here in Memphis. It is cool, but not cold with a touch of a warm breeze every now and again. And I hope that your day is just as beautiful.
Don't fall days make you feel like taking a few minutes to just kick your way through a pile of leaves like a kid? It sure makes me feel that way. But I am silly like that. I just love Autumn!
Don't fall days make you feel like taking a few minutes to just kick your way through a pile of leaves like a kid? It sure makes me feel that way. But I am silly like that. I just love Autumn!
Friday, October 14, 2011
My Nephew at 6 Weeks!
Here is a picture of my nephew, Brayden, at 6 weeks. My sister quickly snapped a picture of him with her phone, so the photo is not the best quality. But I had to show you guys this adorable pic. Isn't he so cute, looking like a little mummy?
Tattoos & Dating!
Why do people do this? Tattooing someone's name on you is just so... permanent. And it is the best way of breaking up a relationship. Seriously, if you really think about it, do people ever stay with that person whose name they tatted on them? Very rarely. And not everyone has the money to get the tattoo lasered off, so how fair is it to move on to the next person and leave them with the task of looking at another woman or man's name on your body?
So to show that special someone you care, just buy them some flowers or something instead of tattooing their name on you, it will be so much easier come break-up time. Seriously!
Wednesday, October 12, 2011
Psych Season 6 Premiere Tonight!
Are you guys ready for our favorite murder solving duo to return. Well you don't have to wait much longer. Psych returns tonight at 10/9 Central on USA Network .
The bro-mance contiues!
Plus Size & Fashionable!
Curvy and killing it! |
Michael Jackson Autopsy Photos!
When I woke up this morning and got on my computer, the first thing I saw was a story involving the Michael Jackson trial. And then I saw a headline that read: Michael Jackson's Autopsy. I thought it was going to be a story on what they found during the procedure so the jury can make a decision about Dr. Murray's guilty, but instead there was a picture of his dead body. The first thought I had was "wow he looked horrible, super skinny, and pale when he died", then I thought "shut up Destiny how would you look if you were dead", then I thought "wow these people are pretty bogus for putting this picture out here like that." Yes, I went through 3 levels of emotions...
Monday, October 10, 2011
Netflix Decides Not to Split Services But...
They are not dropping the prices! What? In the article you can read here, Netflix CEO Reed Hastings said that the main issue users had with the new Netflix setup was the fact that they would have to use 2 logins - one for online streaming and one for dvds-by-mail. And because of the public outrage they decided against the split. Oh ok!
I don't know about you guys, but that was not my beef with Netflix. My problem was the price hike and the crappy movie selection they have for online streaming. I feel that if you are going to raise prices at least raise quality. So thanks for trying Netflix, but until you drop the prices back to normal you can stop sending the "we miss you, come back emails" like a creepy boyfriend. Ew(in my Jimmy Fallon voice). Haha!!!
Sunday, October 9, 2011
Creepy Little Kids!
Have you seen the Paranormal Activity 3 trailer with the 2 little girls in the mirror saying "Bloody Mary"? Ughhh! I hate that commercial. I turn it down everytime I hear it. And it is weird because I LOVE horror movies, but it is something about urban legends like Bloody Mary and Candyman that get under my skin. Of course I am still going to see the movie just like I went to see the 2 other Paranormal Activity movies, but that part scares the crap out of me. If you haven't seen the creepy clip yet, click here to see it.
Domino's Artisan Pizzas
All I can say is go try them! Now! My family tried 2 of these new pizzas from Domino's - the Spinach & Feta and the Tuscan Salami & Roasted Veggies, and both were great. But I preferred the Spinach & Feta a little more then the other. While they were good, they are still from Domino's so don't expect the pizza to taste like something from Italy or even New York. But for $7.99 it is worth a try. And I believe you will be surprised by the flavor. So hurry up and go try them while the price is still low.
Wednesday, October 5, 2011
Crappy Day!
Earlier today I was singing "The Lazy Song" by Bruno Mars and vowed I am not doing anything just like Bruno. But I forgot I had to go through inspection. Which I hate doing. I made it like 5 minutes before they closed for the day and I was so thrilled. I was thinking things could not be any perfect. But as I went through the checklist for the inspection lady she pointed out my headlights were out and failed me and not in a nice way either. So that was one thing. Then on top of that we noticed my tire was balding(or whatever) and I had to get a new one. Guess how much the tire was? It cost $120.00, for one freaking tire. So that was the cherry on top of a lovely day. But I am going to smile and be happy just like the cute kitten below. Unlike my day, I hope you all had a good one! <3
Bank of America, Are you serious?
First Netflix and now Bank of America? Are all business losing their minds? Nickel and diming us for every little thing, I was once a customer of Netflix, but after they raised their prices I got out of there. I wonder if I will have to do the same thing with Bank Of America? I hope not because when I first got with BOA 2 years ago, I could not stop singing their praises. But if they decide to follow through with charging $5.00 a month for debit card usage, they will lose tons of customers and me.
Now to be honest $5.00 does not sound so bad, but to go from free to a monthly fee is something alot of Americans don't want to do. And rightly so. Businesses are getting way too greedy these days.And I am sick of it. Plus their BOA website has been so slow these past few days. They should be worrying about that. So maybe we should all protest them and see where it goes. Maybe they will take the customers opinion in the matter before they end up like Netflix, hurting for customers.
Steve Jobs Dies!
Today is such a sad day. I just found out about the death of Apple founder, Steve Jobs. I knew something was wrong when he resigned in August, but this is so sudden. And to think some people were questioning his decision to resign and talking bad about him. We did not know how sick he was. He will forever be remember for creating some of the most groundbreaking technology ever. My prayers are with his wife and his family.
Juice is Half Black, And What...?!
For the last 2 weeks Sons of Anarchy has had a story line with Jean Carlos aka "Juice" that is kind of confusing to me. Basically Juice is being blackmailed to help some detective get info on the drugs SAMCRO is moving. Now here is the thing I have been having an issue with, the fact that the detective is threatening to out Juice as half Black and telling him the club will be mad because of this. WHAT?!!! I don't remember anyone in the MC being particularly racist and saying no one of color is allowed. If that was so Juice would not have ever been in the club to begin with because he is Puerto Rican. Plus they have a charter that is predominately Black if not all Black, the Grim Bastards.
So I am having a hard time understanding why Juice would feel the need to hide his ethnicity and potentially get himself killed by working with the police. If you remember from an old post, Favorite Sons of Anarchy Characters, he is one of my favorites on the show. And I hope this is not leading to the writers killing him off because I am going to be super mad.
Monday, October 3, 2011
Just Another Manic Monday!
I wish it were Sunday! That song has never been more true than on today. Ok, so here is why today is so hectic for me. First of all I am waiting for some service guys to come and install a new security door and you would nor believe it, they are late. Big shock, right? Then I have a History paper due in a couple of days. And on top of that I have 3 midterm exams on Friday. So I am in study, study, study mode. And I am so nervous about this Calculus exam that I feel like I am going to upchuck. I have no idea how I even solve half of the problems in that class. But the rest of my classes are easy, which makes it a little better. So wish me luck. And good luck to everyone else out there taking midterms!
Sunday, October 2, 2011
Crooked Trees?!
Who would have thought it? Trees growing crooked. Well here it is in all of beautiful splendor. Weird but still beautiful. I was floored when my mom showed me a picture of this on Facebook. I thought someone was goofing around and altered this picture to make the trees look this way. So I did some research and found out that these trees are actually located in Western Poland forest. This really makes me appreciate nature so much more. And makes me want to take a trip to Poland.
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